

What spills out when Floris thinks too much


November 2014

I watched Inception

If you call this film a “mindfuck” I’m going to assume you’re an idiot. It’s really not that hard. Just pay more attention next time.

An overrated film, with grand ideas that got slightly lost in places, but still a pretty amazing movie.

[02 Oct 2014]

I watched Oldboy (2003)

I’m sorry, okay. This movie was kinda lost on me. Cool filmmaking and execution, though. Especially the one-take hallway fight – wow!

[3 Aug 2014?]

I watched The Godfather

Finally, right?

But how slow is this movie? It’s a good story and everything, but I’m sure it could use a good trim. Not the baptism scene though – there’s a reason that one’s a classic.

PS. This feels oddly like a Sergio Leone film, doesn’t it?

[15 Nov 2014]

I watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls

Except for the swinging-like-Tarzan-with-CGI-monkeys scene, what is wrong with this film? It’s classic Indy in every way, so suck it up, stop complaining, watch this film, and wait impatiently for the next one.

Hopefully before Disney reboots it with a younger lead.

[02 Nov 2014]

I watched The Big Lebowski

The first time I saw The Big Lebowski, I was convinced that this is where Todd Phillips got his idea for The Hangover. Either way, a very cool pseudo-stoner flick.

But don’t even bother: There’ll be strict Coen-brothers-hipsters who liked it before it was cool, and can quote it better than you can, and won’t accept that you like it too.

[15 June 2014]

I watched Anything Else

Anything Else feels like a classic Woody Allen movie, but there’s something missing. Also, sex seemed to be on Allen’s mind slightly more than usual. It’s also slightly reminiscent of Whatever Works – was this also an old screenplay from the 70’s that Allen only produced decades later?

But at the end of the day, the film is okay, the jokes are okay, and the story is okay. But it feels kinda pointless – unless that was the point? A nihilist movie, I guess…

[15 Nov 2014]

I watched Charlie Bartlett

An amazing film about psychiatry, depression, and high school. And best of all, the characters mostly seem like real people. Even the exaggerated Charlie Bartlett, who comes from a rich family and has too much money and privilege. In many ways, (thanks “If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out”) this might be like a new generation’s Harold & Maude.

[15 Nov 2014]

I watched No Country for Old Men

Stop complaining and just watch it already. Yes, it’s a bit of a slow movie. Yes, it isn’t short. But it’s brilliant.

[09 Nov 2014]

I watched Interstellar [in IMAX]

Interstellar is a big ol’ science-fiction masterpiece that feels much more grand and epic than the usual, plastic fantasy fodder. In a semi-dystopian near future where the earth is dying and crop farming became the primary human concern, Cooper, a NASA test pilot-turned-farmer stumbles on some inexplicable supernatural events while trying to protect his family.

Read the complete review at Running Wolf’s Rant.

[07 Nov 2014]

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